D’Aulnoy Editions is an indie book publisher specializing in narrative nonfiction, memoir, social sciences, fiction, and anthologies. We like authentic, approachable, and compelling writing by emerging authors with something to say. We’re proudly women-owned and based in East Atlanta Village.
Our team is a collection of talented editors, content designers, artists, and behind-the-scenes people who make it all function.

Our Team

Emily Owens
Managing Editor
Lauren Kelliher
Senior Editor
Charlotte Bleau
Assistant Managing Editor
Telia Garner
Illustrator & Editorial Assistant

Our mission is to publish stories that broaden the diversity of voices in the public sphere, and to promote equity in publishing, so anyone can tell their story and see themselves in the content they read.

Our Values

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We believe in the transformative power of words. Story is a powerful tool for conveying nuance and exhibiting ideas in action, and our authors and their work is at the heart of what we do.


We are driven by curiosity, and we know many of our readers share our desire to learn new things and conquer new skills. We strive to create a working environment where our team members can innovate independently and collaboratively, as well as continue to grow personally and professionally.



Our processes and all that we do are built around a commitment to quality, clarity, and beauty. Perfection is only a static destination, and chasing it can be paralyzing; precision is about being careful and exact, and it’s a sustainable path that leads to progress.

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We believe publishing should be an industry where anyone can tell their story and find themselves in the content they read. We are dedicated to making all kinds of knowledge accessible to anyone curious and dedicated enough to seek it, whether you’re holding a print book, using a screen reader, or listening to an audiobook.