Submission FAQs

Have a question not listed here? Get in touch!



  • I haven't finished writing my book. Can I still submit it?

    Yes! While we prefer completed manuscripts, you only need to upload the first three chapters of your book via the submission form. Our process includes time for the author to finish writing their book if it is not completed at the time of submission.

    If you choose to upload a book proposal, you can include a table of contents and/or chapter summaries to give us an idea about what the rest of the book will include.

    The submission form will ask for the final word count of your manuscript. If you have not completed your manuscript yet, please estimate the final word count.

  • My manuscript has a received prize in a writing competition. Can I submit it?

    If the prize did not include publication, please include information about the competition in the details you send with your submission.

    If the prize included publication, it must be significantly changed to be eligible for submission — in other words, noticeably different to the original. If you believe your manuscript has changed significantly and choose to submit, please be sure to check the original publisher’s guidelines for any limitations on republishing. You must also include information about the publisher and how to contact them, so we can verify the book is no longer under contract if we decide to proceed.

  • My manuscript was previously published under a different title or author name/was only published in part/has changed since it was published. Can I still submit it?

    If your manuscript was previously published, it should have been significantly changed since then — in other words, it would be noticeably different to the original for a reader.

    If you believe your manuscript has changed significantly and choose to submit, please be sure to check the original publisher’s guidelines for any limitations on republishing. You must also include information about the publisher and how to contact them, so we can verify the book is no longer under contract if we decide to proceed.

  • My manuscript was posted online. Can I submit it?

    If your manuscript has previously been posted on a blog, website, or a platform such as Wattpad, it would need to have undergone major changes since appearing online. If you believe your manuscript has changed significantly and choose to submit, please include details and links to the online version.

  • My submission has been published in another country. Can I submit it?

    If your work has been published in another country, it is still considered published. Please see our note on sending a submission for a new edition.

  • I want to publish a new edition of my book. Can I submit it?

    We do not generally publish new editions received as unsolicited submissions. If you’d like us to consider a submission for a new edition of a book, we will need more information from you – including information about the original publisher and how to contact them, so we can verify the book is no longer under contract if we decide to proceed.

    New editions should include changes or updates from the original edition.

  • My manuscript was previously published. Can I still submit it?

    In general, no. We publish previously unpublished work.

    If you’d like us to consider a submission for a new edition of a book, we will need more information from you – including information about the original publisher and how to contact them, so we can verify the book is no longer under contract if we decide to proceed.

    New editions should include changes or updates from the original edition.

  • Do you accept simultaneous submissions?


    If you accept a contract offer from another publisher, please let us know as soon as possible. Be sure to check that anywhere else you submit your manuscript also accepts simultaneous submissions.

    If your piece is accepted for publication and/or shortlisted in a competition where the prize includes publication, you must withdraw your submission.

  • Who can submit?

    Everyone can submit a manuscript to d’Aulnoy Editions. We accept submissions from anyone, located anywhere in the world. Submissions must be in English.


  • What if my manuscript is untitled?

    Please title all submissions. There are thousands of “Untitled” pieces; you’ll stand out more if you give your work that little bit of extra love.

  • Should my title appear on my work?

    Please include your title in the header on each page.

  • Should my pages be numbered?

    Yes, please.

  • How should I format my submission?

    We would prefer that submissions follow these guidelines:

    • Font size 12, black, in a commonly used font such as Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial
    • U.S. letter-sized page
    • Double-spaced
    • Manuscript title in the header on each page
    • Pages numbered

    Legibility is the important thing, but the often-used standards exist for a reason. Check out our blog post on manuscript formatting, which includes a free manuscript template download for Word.

  • Do I need a cover sheet?

    As long as you’ve filled out the information required in the submission form, you don’t need to include a cover sheet, but you can include one if you’d like to.

  • What should my upload files be titled?

    Please save the file containing your manuscript sample with the title of your book. This should match the title you enter on the submission form.

    Please save the file containing your book proposal with the title of your book and “Book Proposal.” This could be something like: “My Book Title – Book Proposal”.

    Please do not include any symbols in your file names that might interfere with our ability to open the file, such as:

    / ? % * : | “ < > .

    (We use Windows.)

Your Submission

  • What should I include in my marketing and promotion plans?

    What kinds of things are you interested in doing to promote your book?

    Do you have a blog, podcast, or other existing platform? Have you had any exciting ideas for events, marketing partners, or other initiatives?

    This portion should mainly focus on what you can and will do, without publisher assistance. You can also use this question to give us an idea about any existing platform or online/social media following you have.

  • What should I include in my brief overview/summary of my book?

    If you’re writing a full book proposal, you will have more space to expand on this in other sections (see Jane Friedman’s article on book proposals).

    If you are only filling in the fields on the form, this section should be brief but informative. How can you expand on your elevator pitch? What is the focus of the book? What will people have gained after reading it? How will they feel?

    Can you give any insight into specific elements included in the book – important themes, major plot points, and/or illustrative stories, etc.?

  • What do I need to do for a book proposal?

    If you don’t have a book proposal to upload, you can simply select “No” on this question and fill in the fields that appear asking for a brief overview/summary and marketing/promotion plans.

    However, while these are the most important elements we’d like to consider at this time, book proposals usually include more details.

    There are a lot of excellent articles and resources online to help you shape your book proposal, considering the sections to include and how to present the strongest case for your book. Writer and publishing expert Jane Friedman posted a useful article on her website.

  • What should be in an elevator pitch?

    If asked to describe your book to someone, what would you say?

    It can be helpful to imagine you are actually telling someone about it in an elevator. Their floor is speeding closer as the lights move up the panel of buttons. You need to draw their attention in a short frame of time.

    How can you maintain the listener’s interest and entice them to want to know more?

  • What should I include in my author bio?

    It can be helpful to start with something you already have on LinkedIn or a website, but don’t just copy and paste it. For nonfiction, your bio should show how your expertise and experience give you a strong platform and understanding of the subject to reach your target audience. For fiction, your expertise and experience should communicate your writing talent and ability to craft this story; it may include a brief list of previously published work. 

  • Do I need to include a pseudonym?

    This field is only necessary if you want to publish your manuscript under anything other than your actual name.

  • How much of my manuscript do I need to upload?

    You only need to upload the first three chapters. We do not need your full manuscript at the time of submission.

    The submission form will ask for the final word count of your manuscript. If you have not completed your manuscript yet, please estimate the final word count. You can include a table of contents and/or chapter summaries in your book proposal, if you choose to upload one.

  • How long can my manuscript be?

    We prefer completed manuscripts with a target range of 40,000 – 70,000 words.

    If we receive a manuscript that is uniquely strong, based on the merit of the writing and development of the idea, but it is longer or shorter than this, we will consider how the content may be tightened or expanded (respectively) and whether the subject merits a longer work.

    However, we would prefer that you work to tighten your manuscript before submitting to us, keeping this range in mind.

Submission Form Help

  • I’ve uploaded the wrong file, what do I do?

    Please get in touch via our contact form.

  • I’ve noticed a glaring error in my submission after I’ve uploaded it, what do I do?

    Please get in touch via our contact form.

  • What do I do if I’m unsure my submission has reached you?

    Please don’t send us another identical entry “just in case.” If you think something has gone wrong with the upload, please just get in touch via our contact form, and we’ll check for you.

  • Will I receive a confirmation email once I have uploaded my submission?

    Yes, you will be sent an automated confirmation email. If you haven’t received this email, please check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it there, get in touch with us.

  • What file format can I send?

    Permitted file types are: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt

    NOTE: Please DO NOT lock your file.

  • The online upload isn’t working, what do I do?

    Please get in touch with us using our contact form. We’ll look into what’s going wrong and get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Can I save my progress and finish my submission later?

    There is an option to save and return to the submission form. Simply click “Save and Continue Later” at the bottom of the page, and you will be given a link and the option to email the link to yourself. These links should be accessible for 30 days.

  • Is there a submission fee?

    No. We do not collect a submission fee for manuscripts we receive.

  • Can I submit by mail?

    Unfortunately we cannot accept postal submissions. If you’re having any problems with the submission form, please get in touch with us.

  • Can I submit by email?


    We ask that you please use our online form to send in all submissions. We have a system in place that tracks and sorts all submissions sent via the form, which will help in the review process.

    If you’re having any problems with the submission form, please get in touch with us.

    Submissions sent in any way other than the online form will not be considered.

General Questions

  • How do you define “published”?

    We define published as:

    • An editorial decision that someone else has made to publish your work (i.e., it has been chosen or selected to be published)
    • Self-publishing, where you or a vanity press have otherwise made the work available in print, ebook, audiobook, or another form

    This includes print and online publication.

  • How many manuscripts can I submit?

    We would prefer that you only submit one manuscript at a time, beginning with the work you believe to be the strongest and most ready for publication. We aim to respond to submissions within six to eight weeks.

    However, you can submit as many manuscripts as you’d like, but please submit a separate form for each. Our submission form allows us to track submissions through our review process, and the fields ask questions which will be specific to every manuscript.

  • How can I get an idea of the kind of books you’ve accepted for publication?

    We are working on building out our lists, but you can visit our bookshop to see our current titles. Books listed there include links to various retail sites, such as and Barnes & Noble and Amazon, many of which include previews of the books.

    If you’d like, you’re also welcome to purchase one of our books! However, this is not required to submit a manuscript. We just get excited about our books.

  • What kind of manuscripts are you looking for?

    We’re looking for manuscripts that are compelling, honest, and creative.  We prefer completed manuscripts with a target range of 40,000 – 70,000 words.

    For more information, please see What We’re Looking For.

    We do not want submissions that are:

    • Gratuitously violent or sexual
    • Racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, or that otherwise seeks to target a particular person or persons
  • What do I need to include in my submission?

    Our submission form walks you through the information we need from you. It has specific sections for information about you and your manuscript, including:

    • Author bio
    • Elevator pitch
    • Book proposal, or brief overview and marketing/promotion plans*
    • Manuscript sample (the first three chapters)

    *If you do not have a book proposal to upload, you can include a brief overview of your manuscript and any marketing and promotion plans you have in the fields provided.